13 November 2022
Dear Family and Friends -
So it's been 4 years since we've written on our webpage. So much has happened during those years and updating this webpage was not a priority. Let's see if we can catch up!
In the spring of 2019 I was selected to attend the Army War College. I attended through distance education, which meant I kept working full time and conducted my master's studies! There were some very busy times and long weekends with papers, online forums, and discussion groups.
In January 2020 we took a cruise in the Caribbean with our best friends David and Lynn. It was a restful time with lots of laughs and relaxation. Looking back we actually had a first look at the impact of COVID. When we docked back at Fort Lauderdale on 3 February a Chinese family who was ahead of us in the customs line was pulled aside. They were withheld from going ashore, even though they had a tour scheduled. The man was angry and could not understand why he and his family were not allowed off the ship. We had seen the initial news from China, but had no idea what was coming.
Like everyone, the rest of 2020 and into 2021 is slightly a blur of lockdown, 100% telework, daily health reports 7 days a week, toilet paper, meat, and other shortages, learning to try off brands when something was not available, and "Puerto Backyardo" for vacation time. We are fortunate - we were safe, we have a wonderful home and backyard, and just made it work. I continued chool through COVID which meant I did not meet my seminar fellows until the summer of 2021 when we graduated. Everything was online.
In February 2021 we had the deep feeze and no power for nearly 4 days. It was miserable. Our only heat source was the gas fireplace which become the focal point for not only Randy and me, but also all the cats! They were not familiar with a lit fireplace, but quickly learned that was the place to be. We charged our phones using the car,which also gave us a few minutes of warm up!
In July 2021 I traveled for the first time since COVID to go to my last resident course and graduation. We chose to have Randy stay home as it was still a bit risky to catch COVID with traveling and being around strangers. My sister Lesley and her husband Martin live just a few minutes away from the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. I was blessed that they were able to come to my graudation and send photos back to Randy. He was also able to watch it online as it was live streamed.
In November 2021 I was detailed to the Defense Health Agency. During 2020-2021 the U.S. Army Medical Command was restructured and my position was abolished. The detail at DHA turned to a permanent position and I'm loving the new job. I work with a phenomenal team of smart dedicated people as well as a wonderful boss, who I had worked with before while with Army.
Randy is doing well and is the strength in our family! He keeps me sane and focused and handles nearly all of the real challenges - i.e. taking care of the house and me! 2022 has been the year of home projects and repairs. We've had to repair the formal living room and roof from a roof leak in July 2021 (took 6 months to get it fully done!), replace a hot water heater, install leaf guards, replace the outfoor ceiling fan, replace a kitchen faucet (which led to also replacing the sink and garbage disposal), repair a broken sprinkler system, repair a broken pool pump, replace the gas cooktop, replace outdoor house lights, and just last week replace a failed range hood (which Randy did himself). I certainly hope the rest of the year can be a bit calmer!
A real bright spot in our lives is Chris' decision to move from San Francisco to San Antonio. He arrived in September and is in the midst of selling his home there and buying a home here. He's found one he really likes so we are all praying that his place will sell soon so he does not miss out on that one. While there are other houses available, we all just love the one he found and it is near us!
So, unfortunately a bit of sad news. Our Maxine went over the Rainbow Bridge on November 12, 2022 (yesterday as I wite this). She'd not be well for the last 6 months, but just had such a will to stay. She finally let us know it was time. We trust she is with all those who've gone before and is the crazy "Ficus Face" kitten once again begining smiles and laughter to everyone.
Maxine Klug 2005-2022 |
Freeze February 2021 |
Thanks for the fire Dad!! |
That's COLD!!!! |
July 2021 - Roof leak into formal living room |
New furniture and arrangement - took 6 months to get finished! |
July 23 - Army War College Class of 2021! |
Seminar 23 |
April 2022 - Randy installing leaf guards on the gutters - no more scooping! |
Finished look - not that we see this view! |
April 2022 - Old fan - 5 blades |
New fan - 12 blades and remote control |
July and August 2022 Kitchen update - new sink, faucet, and range |
November 2022 - Range hood replacement |
Take care and tell your family you love them every day!
Love, Randy and Carey

Latest News
Upcoming - after 3 years of COVID and resetting to a new normal including regular vaccinations and boosters we are heading back to sea in January. We are booked on a cruise in the Caribbean again and with David and Lynn. Found two 7 day cruises we could link together in a back to back for 14 days. We leave 16 January and come back on the 30th. We are really looking forward to disconnect time and fun! We will be on a new ship that iis just completing her first season - Silver Dawn. We've never been on a brand new ship so we are all excited! Here's where we are heading -
Fort Lauderdale, 2 Sea Days then on to St Thomas to St John's Antigua to St Kitt's to Tortola to San Juan |
San Juan to St Bartholemy to St Johns's Antigua to St Lucia to Dominica to Montserrat to St Thomas to San Juan |

Photo Gallery
Have a peak at our favorite photos in the gallery. Link to Photo Gallery

Cats Klug
Tabatha, Peanut, and Cookie invite you to their webpage Cats Klug.

Our Favorite Quotes
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." - Mark Twain
"If not now, when?" - Leslie Christopoulus (friend)
"Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken." - Frank Herbert

Send Randy and Carey an email: |