Welcome to Cats Klug page. Yes, this is Cats Klug very own page to share with you their pictures and stories.
11 August 2013
  From Maxine, Tabatha and Peanut:
Mom has not let us post in a very long time. So we ganged up and put our paws down!
Just so you know Mom and Dad are staying fairly well trained. We've got them in to feeding us canned tuna, salmon, whitefish, shrimp (the good stuff!) two times a week - Sundays and Wednesdays. But sometimes they eat dinner out on Wednesday and think we forgot what day it is! Nope... occasionally we let them by if they seem tired, but look out Thursday night! We take turns watching them when they have dinner. This usually means one of us is near them and the other two position between them and the kitchen island. This way they have no way to get by all three of us! We are so smart!!!
They adopted Minnie as their "outdoor kittie". She's Tabatha's sister and Peanut's mom so we kind of feel it's ok...as long as they don't bring her in the house. There are also some little cats (Maxine says those are kittens) running around outside. Dad keeps taking food out to them and they just run around everywhere out there. But as long as they don't bring any of those cats inside - we will live with it.
It's summer and very hot here so we need to go back to taking our afternoon siestas! Hasta luego!
4 November 2012
From Peanut:
Finally my turn! It's tough being the only boy with those two girls! And I'm the youngest (which they won't let me forget). But let me tell you that I hold my own with both of them.
I adopted Dad, Mom, Ginny, Maxie, and Tabatha last year. It was a little rough getting everyone trained, but I've got it the way I want it now. Maxie was rather a fussy budget when I first came in. Guess she was not sure whether a boy could be fun or not. Tabatha may be a girl, but she can do some play! We have lots of fun together - me chasing her, she chasing me. Finally Maxie decided to be boss after Ginny went to heaven and so it's me and Tabs against her! Well not really, but we do gang up sometimes.
Dad and I hang together a lot! He's my bud as we gotta stick together against all the girls in this house. He retired so he could be here all day long for me (well that's what I say the story is!). We have fun watching TV, playing on the computer, chasing socks! I like to help Mom when she's paying bills or working on the website. She needs me to make sure she does it right! I love to lay on the desk on all the papers and mush them around, she doesn't smile too much when I do that (hee hee hee!). She does not always have a sense of humor.
Anyway, I told Dad and Mom to search their Iphones for pictures and share a few with you. So here's a few more from the archives!
Helping Mom with the website! |
Mom travels a lot - Maybe she won't see me in her carry-on and take me along |
Dad needs help too - here's the bag from the speaker install - Got it covered Dad - it won't run away |
I love cool places to rest!! |
Maxie likes to nap with Mom!! |
My favorite pic of me and Momma Ginny!! |
22 January 2012
From Tabatha:
Well it's really different around here now. Peanut drives me nuts! But he's also fun to play with. Maxie decided she's "queen" of the house - don't know how I lost that battle, but I did. Bossy, Bossy, Bossy. Just the other day I was playing, okay maybe it was more like fighting, with "that boy" and she got all upset. You should have seen her - she was all blown up like a balloon and had the "I'm Gonna Kill U" look in her eyes. Gee whiz, no sense of humor in that one! Oh well, she is the oldest, so go ahead be the Boss!
I wanted to let you all know that our humans ("Dad" and "Mom") found a few more pictures of Ginny to share with you. So I'm posting them to our page! (Guess they could not find another one of Momma and me yet! And they really need to get an updated pic of my face - this one is when I was a baby!)
January 2011 - Maxie and Ginny napping on ottoman |
March 2011 - Ginny loves her box, but Maxie just has to crowd in with her! |
16 July 2011 - Our pretty girl |
16 July 2011 |
Christmas 2011
From Maxine:
Christmas 2011 was a new experience for the Klug family. This was Peanut's first Christmas, Tabatha's second (last year really was not much as we had just finished the bath remodel and didn't even have a full tree), and our first without our beloved Ginny.
Dad and Mom put up the big tree in the formal living room, but kept the glass doors closed where we could see the tree, but we could not go in without supervision. They put up what they called our "training tree" in the family room with plastic ornaments. Peanut did bat a few of the ornaments and got several "No's" from Dad, but Tabatha and I completely ignored it. Finally Christmas morning arrived so we got to go in and see the tree. Santa came and just as I knew he would, we got toys in our stockings. So we must have been good again this year. We decided to go easy on Mom and Dad and just check out the presents, help them unwrap and then took our naps on the treeskirt. Momma Ginny had taught me about how great it is, so we all tried it out. She was right!
So here's some pictures from our Christmas morning ... and afternoon naps!
Tabatha - So is one of these for me? |
Tabatha - Pretty!!! |
Peanut - What are these?? |
Peanut - All innocent looking: Just before he tried to eat the corner! |
Maxie also has to check the presents |
Santa always brings catnip and toys for the kids' stockings! |
Maxie loves her mouse! |
I Wuv Christmas!!! |
Naptime under the tree |
Tabatha under the tree |
Virginia "Ginny" Klug
February 2000 - November 2011
Virginia "Ginny" joined our familiy in November 2000. We found her at the pet rescue near our home. She had been named "Twilight Motel Kitty" as a biker who was working temporarily in Front Royal, VA had been caring for her and had to leave the area. Bless him for having taken her to the rescue. We named her Virigina as that's where she was born, and where we lived. But we always called her variations - Ginny, Miss Gin, Gin-Gin, and Randy's name for her "Babess".
While Ginny loved us both, she was very close to Randy. They were a real team.
Ginny came into our family and literally staked her claim! Smokey, our older male cat who had been on his own for a while and "in charge", was chased under the guest bed by Ginny. There he stayed for 3 weeks, until he finally came out and she ruled the roost from then on.
We have wonderful memories and great times with Miss Gin. We are fortunate to have shared her life with her.
Amy, our friend, shared the below with us when she and TJ learned of Ginny's passing.
Rainbow Bridge
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "
Author unknown.
Some of our favorite pictures of Ginny
December 2001 - First Christmas and First Catnip! |
May 2002 - Cuddled in her bed |
May 2002 - Loves brushing |
June 2002 - Napping with Smokey on our bed |
Christmas 2002 with Smokey |
Christmas 2002 B&W version |
February 2003 - Couch time with Dad "watching football" |
April 2004 - Foot rubs are good too! |
May 2005 - "Momma Gin" comes out as she starts to raise Maxine |
July 2005 - "Momma Gin" and Maxie |
July 2005 - Lizard watching is a facorite pasttime |
May 2006 - Maxine is a year old and still lounges all over "Momma Gin" |
August 2006 - Nurse Ginny and Nurse Maxie while Carey recovers from surgery |
September 2006 - "Long" nap time |
January 2007 - Watching outside Ginny loved to watch it rain in Virginia and in Texas |
May 2007 - Cooling her jets |
Christmas 2008 - Naptime after heavy catnip play |
June 2010 - Another baby to "raise" when Tabatha joined the family |
July 2010 - Our "Three Stack" |
December 2010 - Fireplace On Please - A favorite in the winter, especially when we were in Virginia |
"Fur Brigade" - Sep - Nov 2011
Six kittens and a momma = a "Fur Brigade". Monday, 26 Sep, Minnie, who is Peanut's mom, had a litter of six kittens. She made her bed in the bushes behind our bay window and the back porch. We've been watching them grow up and Randy's been the "male protector" chasing away raccoons, skunks, opossums, and dogs to give these babies a chance. Minnnie had six in her first litter, but only Peanut survived.
We will have to take them to rescue, but we've enjoyed them for six weeks. They have become very comfortable with us and rush to the door when they hear us coming outside, thus the nickname of the "fur brigade". There are two boys and four girls. One small kitten, we call her "Squirt". One kitten with her right ear flap opened backwards, we call "Flop". Two shorthairs who were the first to engage us "The Braves" - one boy, one girl. And two longhairs - "Woolly Light" for his lighter grey coat, and "Woolly Dark" as her coat is darker.
Minnie and her kittens |
"Brave" - 3 weeks |
What faces! |
Minnie and 2 kittens |
I want some! |
Here I come!!! |
"Squirt" in front, "Flop" to the left and "Brave" all want some lovin' |
"Fur Brigade" - 23 Oct |
Mr. Peanut joins the family September 2011
Peanut Klug joined the family on the 23rd of September 2011. But we've known him a while as he was born near our house. We watched him grow up with his mom, Minnie (Tabatha's sister), and Randy had to start feeding him several weeks ago when he nearly collapsed from malnutrition. We should have known then how this would end up!
How did Peanut end up here? God knows better sometimes!
We were very determined to find Peanut a good home when he (she) was old enough to separate from Minnie. And in fact Minnie had gotten pregnant again so she was not totally enthused about keeping him around much longer. The morning of the 23rd Randy decided to see if he could catch Peanut. Well, the little sweetie just walked in the open cat cage and Randy closed the door. Peanut was not terribly happy, but settled down once taken inside the house. Later that morning Randy called the shelters to find out where to take Peanut and no one had room. There was not a single rescue or shelter in the entire area able to take the kitten!
And God smiles.... Peanut moved in. Maxine was quite accepting, but Tabatha was totally not happy. She hid from him for two days - behind the curtains, under the bed in our room. Ginny was her normal loving soul even though she's not well.
One trip to the vet on Sunday, shots in place, healthy report and Peanut's out and running.
Now Peanut being a boy was a bit of a surprise to us, and to the vet. We thought he was a she until last week when we learned the truth. But this may explain why the girls behaved differently when he joined the family. As a boy he's not as threatening to Maxine, but as a 4 month old he's playmate for Tabatha and she had to adjust. Now they've become great playmates and even Maxie is starting to play more.
Below are just a few pictures of Peanut. We'll post more when we have them to share. There's also one of Minnie as she was bathing her kittens. She had six...but they will all be rescued! No more kittens in the Klug household. And Minnie gets a free trip to get spayed so she has no more kittens!
Peanut loves to cuddle in your lap |
What a face! |
Peanut is a cuddler! |
Latest Photos - 26 December 2010
This was Tabatha's first Christmas. Ginny and Maxie always love Christmas time as Santa brings them catnip toys and they usually spend time under the tree. Unfortunately we did not put up any of the regular trees this year due to the remodel. But we did put up a small tree and the shatterproof ornaments so we all could enjoy the day.
Tabatha's first fire - she loves it |
Ginny has loved fireplaces since she was a kitten in Virginia. She would even touch the fireplace door to let us know when she wanted us to turn it on for her. |
Tabatha checking out the angel and tree |
Too much excitement in the morning - time for a nap! |
Tabatha and Ginny sleep by the evening fire |
Latest Photos - 12 December 2010
Miss Tabatha recuperating from surgery - 9 Dec 2010 |
Tabatha hiding in the Christmas Garland! |
Still the "Hi Five" Kitty! |
Ginny may be "Mom" but Tabatha loves to take care of her too - 12 Sep 10 |
Maxie can drink from the streaming water! |
Cats pull water under their tongue so the water stream bends |
Caught in nap time in the corner |
Maxie and Tabs enjoy the Widescreen HD "Fishvision - upstairs fish tank is smaller and not as clear! |
Update: 1 August 2010
Having Tabatha in the house has awakened the sleepiness we once had! She is so full of energy that even Maxie has joined in the festivities. Play time and nap time are big events. We've also found ourselves taking more pictures and being more aware of what everyone is doing.
Surprise ...Tiger is NOT a male cat, and thus not Tabatha's daddy, but rather her auntie! One day we happened to get the back side view and learned of our error. So now we believe that the trio of outdoor kittens from two years ago are the trio of cats we now know as Blackie, Shadow, and Tiger. Obviously Blackie's two kittens, Tabatha and Mini Shadow, have their uncle and aunt's appearances.
Randy worked to restore the downstairs fish tank this past week and we went and got some new fish. Sunburst Platys, Peppered Corry Catfish, Red Serpea Tetras, and Black Skirt Tetras. When we had an active tank before, Ginny and Maxie would sit on a stool by the tank and watch the fish. Well about 10 minutes after we released the fish, Tabatha was trying to get up on the stool to see what was moving around! Maxie checked it out as did Ginny. So, we have the "Catvision" up and operational.
So here's the latest batch of pictures from Ginny, Maxine, and Tabatha:
CondoTime |
3 Stack Nap 25 Jul 10 |
"Aunt" Tiger - drinking from birdbath 25 Jul 10 |
Maxine drinks from water stream |
Look there's fishees in here!!! |
Dad and Tabs watchin' fish |
More Fishees!! |
Maxie - My turn! I want up to see the fishees!!! |
Introducing Tabatha!

Meet Tabatha Klug - Tabatha was born 15 April 2010.
Her first mom is Blackie and her dad is ...correction, we do not know who "dad" is, but it's not Aunt Tiger!. Blackie, Shadow, and Tiger are three feral cats who had a hard time finding food last winter when it was so cold here. Randy began providing water and food for them and has continued to feed them. We had not seen much of Blackie for a few weeks and then on June 10th she showed up with two kittens, Tabatha and one we call Mini Shadow because he/she looks like Shadow, a long gray hair cat. "Mini" actually looks like a gray puff ball!
Blackie brought Tabatha and Mini to the food and water for a couple of days. On Saturday Tabatha showed up by herself several times and let us get fairly close to her. Randy actually picked her up and held her a few minutes until she wanted back down. That night we realized Tabatha is not a feral cat and could get harmed if she stayed outside. We decided that if she came back Sunday we would see if we could pick her up again and take her in our house. We would not keep her if the vet said she had feline leukaemia as Ginny and Maxie do not have the disease. If she did have FLV, then we would make sure the rescue folks found her a good home.
Well she came to us Sunday, 13 June. We coaxed her from under the car with treaties and then picked her up and put her in one of the cat carriers. We took her in the house and after several hours moved her to our bathroom where we could let her out to roam a bit. What a little lovey! That night she cried until we moved her carrier to the bedroom where she could see Carey in bed and then she fell asleep. After a trip to the vet Monday morning, Tabatha officially adopted us as her family!
Blackie seems very settled with having only Mini Shadow to take care of. It is as if she brought Tabatha to us knowing we would care for her. You know God works in many ways and we believe he put us all together so little Tabatha would have a good future.
Tabatha much prefers living in a house though. She adapted so quickly, like she was born inside, and shows no desire to go outside. She used the litter box immediately and settles in at night on the bed with us. Ginny has become "Mom" and Maxie, after a few weeks of coaxing and engaging by Tabatha, has become big sis. Maxie has become a little less "scaredy cat" and more "cat", even meowing more rather than her chirping.
All in all Tabatha has made a great addition to the family - lots of laughs for Randy and Carey! |