

RK_CK Aruba



About the Klugs

The Klugs - Who Are They???

The Klug household was founded in March 1998 when Carey and Randy married in a small chapel overlooking a valley in Huntsville, Alabama.  Carey and Randy had met a number of years before that in their work for the government and had been "work friends".  Randy lived in the DC area and Carey lived first in California and then moved to Alabama.  In 1997 a work friendship blossomed into "something more" and the rest of the story began.


Although it took nearly a year after their wedding, Carey got a job in the DC area and the Klugs finally had their first home together.  The "family" consisted of Randy, Carey, and Smokey.  Two years later we were adopted by Ginny (full name Virginia), a wonderful girl cat who came into our home, kicked Smokey's backside, and established that she is in charge!  After a bit if a rough start, and Smokey wondering what he had done wrong to deserve our bringing her into "His" home, they were best buds.  Smokey followed Ginny...whenever she called him!  Sometimes he complained, but he almost always did what she wanted!  Ginny also has "Dad" (Randy) wrapped around her paw!


After four years in the Pentagon (Randy worked there for 16 years) and the 9.11.01 attacks, we were ready to leave the area.  We transferred to San Antonio, Texas in April 2003 to work in a new office of the Army and help establish a new way of managing our installations. 

Upon arriving in San Antonio, the Klug home was re-established in a beautiful part of the area just north of San Antonio on the edge of Hill Country. 

We've lived in San Antonio for over ten years now and we still love it.  Randy retired from federal service and Carey is still working in federal service. This is home and we hope to never leave this area. 

Smokey moved on to Cat Heaven in May 2005. We adopted Maxine in May 2005, and in June 2010 we were adopted by Tabatha. And the Mr. Peanut joined the family in September 2011. Unfortunately our dear Ginny left us in November 2011. So now it's back to just five! A little more balanced with two "boys" and three "girls" in the house, so that Randy is not on his own.


MaxieGinny MaxTabs

Our family and friends are always welcome, and the guest room is always ready!




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Updated: 17 August 2014